Fleet Category
NEPO offers a range of solutions to meet public sector fleet requirements. This category also includes solutions relating to winter maintenance and recycling.
Fleet Frameworks
Buses and Coach Purchase
The solution enables the purchase of buses and coaches covering OEM minibuses, 5 seat people mover conversions, 12 - 17 seat van and coach built minibus conversions, coach and buses up to 75 seats including double decked, articulated, and tri-axle.
Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
A framework that supports the investment, operation, maintenance and growth of the electric vehicle charging infrastructure across the North East.
Finance and Leasing (DPS)
The Procurement Partnership Limited (TPPL) has established a DPS for finance and leasing, including fleet and accident management.
Grounds Maintenance Equipment & Plant
This solution has been procured in partnership with TPPL and makes available a wide range of grounds maintenance equipment, hand held tools and construction/agricultural plant through purchase on a non-operator basis only.
Acquisition and Conversion of Heavy Goods and Specialist Vehicles Including Waste Skips, Containers and Bins
A nationally-available solution that provides all UK public bodies with a compliant route to market for the acquisition of heavy goods vehicles (HGV) and specialist vehicles.
Hydrogen generation and infrastructure (DPS)
The Procurement Partnership Limited (TPPL) has established a DPS for hydrogen generation and infrastructure.
Managed Remarketing of Vehicles & Plant
NEPO202 Managed Remarketing of Vehicles & Plant is a nationally-available solution that assists UK public sector organisations in selling used vehicles and plant at auction.
Management and Collection of W.E.E.E. and Batteries
This solution provides the management and collection of household waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and batteries.
Rock Salt
This solution provides the supply of rock salt in bulk and bagged forms for contracting authorities to meet their winter maintenance services responsibilities.
Tyres and Associated Services
NEPO201 Tyres & Associated Services provides a solution for tyre replacement and repair for UK public sector bodies.
Cars, LCVs, MCVs, HGVs, Sweepers, Welfare Buses and Salary Sacrifice
This solution enables the contract hire of passenger cars, Light Commercial Vehicles up to 7t, Medium, Heavy & Specialist Commercial Vehicles up to 44t, sweepers, minibus, bus & coach and salary sacrifice schemes.
Vehicle Parts, Tyres, Lubricants and Workshop Equipment
This solution provides public sector organisations with a compliant route to market for the provision of Vehicle Parts, Tyres, Lubricants and Workshop Equipment.
Vehicle Purchase - Cars, LCVs, MCVs, Compact Sweepers & Associated Products
The solution enables the purchase of cars, light and medium commercial, pedestrian and compact sweeper vehicles up to 12.5t GVW as well as associated vehicle conversions, telematic and electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure equipment.
Vehicle Rental
This is a nationally available Vehicle Rental solution for the rental of vehicles, including passenger cars, accessible/non-accessible minibuses/coaches, light/medium commercials, heavy goods vehicles, and car clubs/pool car schemes.
Weather Forecasting Services
This solution provides contracting authorities with a full weather forecasting service.
Winter Bureau & Helpdesk Service with upgrade and maintenance of Outstation Equipment
A solution for the delivery of a winter bureau service with upgrade and maintenance of outstation equipment for use by NEPO Member Authorities and the wider public sector.
Fleet Resources
Category Brochure: Fleet
A brochure that provides an overview of NEPO's Fleet category.
HGV and Specialist Vehicle NEPO TPPL Brochure
Information about the HGV and Specialist Vehicle solution delivered in partnership between TPPL and NEPO
Intro Guide: NEPO201 Tyres and Associated Services
An introduction guide that outlines NEPO201 Tyres and Associated Services.
Intro Guide: NEPO202 Managed Remarketing of Vehicles & Plant
An introduction guide that outlines NEPO202 Managed Remarketing of Vehicles & Plant.
Intro Guide: NEPO214 Grounds Maintenance
An introduction guide that provides an overview of NEPO214 Grounds Maintenance Equipment & Plant.
Intro Guide: NEPO224 HGV & Specialist Vehicles Acquisition
An introduction guide that outlines NEPO224 HGV & Specialist Vehicles Acquisition.
Latest Fleet News

Michelle Armstrong
Procurement Specialist - Fleet and Facilities Management
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