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Shaped by Public Sector insight

NEPO's procurement solutions are the result of extensive consultation with the public sector, suppliers and end users, so that we deliver positive outcomes for the communities we serve.

We procure a wide range of goods and services which means our procurement solutions feature suppliers of all shapes and sizes, from SMEs to large multinationals.

Social Value

Social value adds to what we achieve through public procurement by providing social, economic and environmental benefits that can make a real difference to the communities we serve.

Discover how our social value delivery can make a real difference to people's lives.

Meet the Team

Photo of Nicola Shelley

Nicola Shelley

Managing Director

Photo of Steven Sinclair

Steven Sinclair

Procurement & Commercial Director

Photo of Adam Gallagher

Adam Gallagher

Procurement Coordinator - Energy

Photo of Adam Smith

Adam Smith

Head of Digital and eProcurement

Photo of Alia Nabi

Alia Nabi

Design & Engagement Coordinator

Photo of Callum Thompson

Callum Thompson

Solution Performance Coordinator - Construction

Photo of Carl Telford

Carl Telford

Professional Services Lead

Photo of Claire Darling-Cooper

Claire Darling-Cooper

Procurement Coordinator - Construction

Photo of Emanuela Codara

Emanuela Codara

Data & Systems Officer

Photo of Gavin Rimmington

Gavin Rimmington

Head of Public Sector

Photo of Ged Underwood

Ged Underwood

Finance & Business Officer

Photo of Georgia Smithson

Georgia Smithson

Open Customer Services Coordinator

Photo of Graham Kelly

Graham Kelly

Open Product Owner

Photo of Hannah Nelson

Hannah Nelson

Procurement Coordinator - Energy

Photo of Jake Pattison

Jake Pattison

Procurement Coordinator - Corporate Services & ICT

Photo of Jane Turner

Jane Turner

Construction Lead

Photo of Jenny Robins

Jenny Robins

Operations Specialist

Photo of Joanne Emery

Joanne Emery

Intelligence & Performance Specialist

Photo of Joe Taylor

Joe Taylor

Open Customer Services Coordinator

Photo of Joy Stafford

Joy Stafford

Procurement Coordinator

Photo of Julie Garvin

Julie Garvin

Communications & Marketing Officer

Photo of Katie Dawson

Katie Dawson

Executive Assistant

Photo of Keith Lamb

Keith Lamb

Social Value & Supplier Coordinator

Photo of Kirstie Mactaggart

Kirstie Mactaggart

Relationships and Partnerships Specialist

Photo of Laura Kyle

Laura Kyle

Energy Lead

Photo of Lily Hogarth

Lily Hogarth

Business Support Assistant

Photo of Marie Forster

Marie Forster

Energy Lead

Photo of Matilda Charles

Matilda Charles

Business Support Assistant

Photo of Michael Murray

Michael Murray

Commercial Manager

Photo of Michelle Armstrong

Michelle Armstrong

Procurement Specialist - Fleet and Facilities Management

Photo of Michelle Graham

Michelle Graham

Procurement Coordinator - Fleet and Facilities Management

Photo of Nick McDonald

Nick McDonald

Procurement Specialist - Corporate Services and ICT

Photo of Phil Hancock

Phil Hancock

Relationships & Partnerships Specialist

Photo of Rachel Bruce

Rachel Bruce

Communications & PR Specialist

Photo of Rhian Hepple

Rhian Hepple

Procurement Coordinator

Photo of Ruth Long

Ruth Long

Procurement Specialist - NEPRO

Photo of Stephanie Westgarth

Stephanie Westgarth

Procurement Coordinator - Fleet & Facilities Management

Photo of Scott Bell

Scott Bell

Data & Systems Officer

Photo of Victoria Maw

Victoria Maw

In-House Legal Counsel