Highway Infrastructure Surveys
STATUS - Active
This solution is a Dynamic Purchasing System which means suppliers can apply to join at any time via Open:
There are nine categories:
Category 1 | SCANNER Surveys: Machine based surveys providing a consistent method of measure the surface condition of roads using automated survey machines. |
Category 2 | Deflectograph and Dynamic Plate Testing: Deflectograph surveys undertaken by a vehicle mounted device taking deflection measurements at set intervals in both wheel paths. Dynamic Plate Testings devices can be handheld machines, mounted on a trailer, towed behind a vehicle or in built in a vehicle. |
Category 3 | SCRIM Surveys and Grip Tester: Skid resistance surveys measuring the contribution of the road surface to the frictional forces between vehicles and the surface when accelerating, braking, cornering etc. Undertaking using an appropriately approved and operated SCRIM vehicle or a GripTester trailer or similar if approved. |
Category 4 | Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR): Non-destructive methods of gathering information about the construction of a highway and its internal features. |
Category 5 | Inventory Surveys: Requirements to obtain accurate highway asset inventory data to be used for futureproofing, valuations, maintenance or lifecycle planning. This may involve surveys of highway infrastructure both on and off the carriageway. Surveys may be include, but not be limited to, signs, lighting, drainage, VRS, verges, street furniture & road markings. No set method of surveying but may include vehicle, on foot, GPS or video. |
Category 6 | Visual Condition Surveys: Surveying carried out from a slow-moving vehicle or on foot with one or more persons undertaking the inspection. |
Category 7 | Data Processing: To be defined at further competition stage, likely to be undertaken using an accredited UKPMS-compliant system. |
Category 8 | Delivering the DfT Data Standard: (other methods of deliver BSI PAS2161) To be defined once DfT standard has been agreed if Categories 1-7 as described do not align with the new standard. |
Category 9 | Materials Testing: Any requirements for materials testing needed as part of the highway infrastructure survey process. This may be needed to determine construction and condition, investigate defects or for the verification of GPR among other reasons. |
NEPO will undertake the further competitions on behalf of the Contracting Authorities using our Open e-tendering system saving time and effort. Template documentation is available for use along with call-off terms & conditions.
START DATE 01/04/2024
SUPPLIERS Aecom Amelio Utilities Buchanan Computing Causeway Technologies Fugro GB Gaist Solutions Kaarbon Technologies Metricell National Testing Services Pavement Testing Ltd Roadmetrics WDM Ltd Xais Asset Management
AVAILABLE FOR USE BY All Associate Members/Member Authorities

Claire Darling-Cooper
Procurement Coordinator - Construction
Request further information about this solution, or send us your comments and queries, by completing this form.