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Construction Works

STATUS - Active


NEPO207 Construction Works is a fully compliant framework available for Contracting Authorities both in the North East and across the UK. 

The framework includes a diverse range of contractors from North East based SME's to large nationals across the ten lots which provides Contracting Authorities with choice.  We have built in maximum flexibility with both direct award and further competition options, there is an ability to undertake Expressions of Interest, have Early Contractor Involvement, appoint via a 1 or 2 stage process.

Construction Works can include projects such as:

New build and/or extensions and/or improvements and/or renovations/refurbishment of:

- Schools

- Libraries and leisure facilities

- Civic buildings

- Historic buildings

- Universities and further/higher education establishments

- Health care buildings

- Housing


The solution covers ten lots:

  • Lot 1: Northumberland, Tyne and Wear and Durham - up to £1,000,000
  • Lot 2: Tees Valley - up to £1,000,000
  • Lot 3: Northumberland, Tyne and Wear and Durham - £1,000,000 to £3,000,000
  • Lot 4: Tees Valley - £1,000,000 to £3,000,000
  • Lot 5: North East - £3,000,000 to £5,000,000
  • Lot 6: North East - £5,000,000 to £10,000,000
  • Lot 7: National - £5,000,000 to £10,000,000
  • Lot 8: North East - £10,000,000+
  • Lot 9: National -  £10,000,000+
  • Lot 10: Development Work Programmes (National) - up to £50,000,000




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